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The STONE John Zorn |
November 2007 at the Stone
11/1 Thursday (GG) 8 pm Jessica Pavone—Quotidian (2007) and Walking, Sleeping, Breathing (2007) Amy Cimini (viola) Katie Young (bassoon) Emily Manzo (piano) Loren Dempster (cello) Erica Dicker (violin) Jessica Pavone (viola, effects) Quotidian examines four temporal landmarks that occur within each single day. This work stems from a belief that the shifting balance between light and dark, as well as other environmental changes constantly affect us regardless of how conscious or aware we are of them. Our external environment has a direct effect on our moods and feelings and therefore, in a sense, has ultimate control over living beings. 10 pm Jeremiah Cymerman—Silence & Solitude (2007) Jeremiah Cymerman, Matt Bauder, Josh Sinton (clarinet) Christian Pincock (computer) What has been described as "an impossible music" Cymerman and friends perform pieces from his upcoming Tzadik cd as well as recent works for improvisers. 11/2 Friday (JC) 8 pm IOSONO Christopher Hoffman (cello, compositions) Ryan Scott (guitar) Michael Attias (sax) John Hadfield (drums) Frank LoCrasto (keys) Mike Savino (bass) Michael Bailey (tenor sax) Matt Kilmer (percussion) CD release party. 10 pm Little Women Ben Greenberg (guitar) Travis Laplante (tenor sax) Darius Jones (sax) Jason Nazary (drums) 11/3 Saturday (JC) 8 and 10 pm The Stares—Spine to Sea (2005) Mimicry Records Angie Benintendi (voice, piano, keys) Drew Whittemore (voice, guitar) Don McGreevy (bass) Shahzad Ismaily (drums) Sam Amidon (violin) The Stares are an easy obsession to acquire. The voices of songwriters Angie Benintendi and Drew Whittemore lead you with eyes fixated on some distant invisible expanse, treading so slowly, so beautifully, through landscapes familiar, but sprinkled with some kind of heavy magical realism that just can’t be described. —Trey Spruance www.myspace.com/stares 11/4 Sunday (GG) 8 and 10 pm Billy Martin Billy Martin (percussion, visuals) 11/6 Tuesday (JB) 8 pm Shelley Burgon—Solo Harp and Electronics Shelley Burgon (harp, electronics) 10 pm Jamie Saft Solo Jamie Saft (piano) 11/7 Wednesday (MF) 8 and 10 pm John Zorn Improv Night—A STONE BENEFIT John Zorn (sax) Jeremiah Cymerman (clarinet) Toby Driver (guitar) Jane Rigler (flute) Aaron Siegel (drums) Matthew Welch (sax) Christopher Hoffman (cello) Aya Nishina (piano) HELP KEEP THE STONE ALIVE! TWENTY DOLLARS 11/8 Thursday (RK) 8 pm Mario Diaz De Leon—Three Spires (2007) and ii.23 for viola and stereo sound (2002) Mario Diaz de Leon (guitar, voice, zither, electronics) Miranda Sielaff (viola) Composer and performer Diaz de Leon presents an immersive 3-movement work, developed on his US solo performance tour last summer. Also, a revival of a 2002 work for viola and electronics, soon to be recorded for his upcoming Tzadik release. 10 pm Deekus—The Pygmy Variations (2007) Jesse Moynihan (violin) Evan Lipson (bass) Anne Goering (viola) Anne Fredrickson (cello) A collection of string tunes inspired by the pygmies of the Central African Republic. 11/9 Friday (DB) 8 pm B.utterflies o.f M.eat Josh Sinton (reeds) Mike Pride (drums) Brandon Seabrook (guitar) 10 pm Gachupin Jon Petrow (guitar) Lynn Wright (guitar) Tony Maimone (bass) Chris Michael (drums) Brian Dewan (keys) Sergio Borrero (percussion) El Yoky (alegre) Paul Watson (cornet) Sam Sadigursky (tenor sax) John Martin (bari & alto sax) Frank London (trumpet) An instrumental hybrid that is dance-able but still an interesting listen for the lead-footed, cross-armed brothers and sisters among us. 11/10 Saturday (RK) 8 pm Swami Late Plate—Doom Jazz (2007) Veal Records Jamie Saft (bass, keys) Bobby Previte (drums) A very exciting cd release event, launching the first 2 records on Jamie's new label. 10 pm Whoopie Pie (2007) Veal Records Jamie Saft (bass, guitar, keys) Mike Pride (drums) Bill McHenry (sax) A very exciting cd release event, launching the first 2 records on Jamie's new label. 11/11 Sunday (CW) 8 and 10 pm Ela Troyano Ela Troyano (film) and Special Guests 11/13 Tuesday (JC) 8 pm Jeremiah Cymerman Solo Clarinet—A FREE EVENT! Jeremiah Cymerman (clarinet, electronics) At the last minute clarinetist Francois Houle canceled and this month's curator kindly stepped in to take his place for an evening of radical clarinet music. ADMISSION IS FREE! 10 pm Selinger/Mazunik Duo Gil Selinger (cello) Evan Mazunik (piano) 11/14 Wednesday (JC) 8 pm Ikue Mori & Christian Pincock Ikue Mori (laptop) Christian Pincock (laptop) 10 pm Grey Gersten & Kato Hideki Grey Gersten (instruments) Kato Hideki (bass) The debut performance of this evocative and dynamic duo of multi-instrumentalists. Featuring New Works and Improvisations for Electric Guitar, Upright Bass, Analog Synths, Homemade Electronics, Banjo, Violin, Drums and others! 11/15 Thursday (JB) 8 pm Jane Rigler Robert Dick (flutes) Miya Masaoka (koto, electronics) Jane Rigler (flutes, electronics) Ursel Schlicht (piano) Multiphonics, glissandi, electronics and percussion played on flutes from piccolo to contrabass, koto—acoustic and electronic, and piano—inside and out. Improvised and composed. Far-out sounds in new combinations. 10 pm Trevor Dunn—Schemes of Omission (2006) Trevor Dunn (bass) Shelley Burgon (harp) Ches Smith (vibraphone) Travis Laplante (tenor sax) Schemes is a series of compositional suites with varying ensembles that explore rhetorical devices, specifically those that omit sounds as opposed to including them. 11/16 Friday (JB) 8 pm The Instruments Heather McIntosh (cello, guitar, vocals) John Lindaman (electric guitar) Eleonore Oppenheim (upright bass) Jeremy Thal (french horn) Gideon Crevoshay (keyboard) Jayson Greene (violin) Otto Hauser (drums) Joe Bergen (vibraphone) Originally from Athens, Georgia, cellist, muli-instrumentalist Heather McIntosh along with her New York based chamber ensemble will spin out the orchestral folk melodies of her band The Instruments (on Orange Twin Records) into lush and abstracted soundscapes. An E6 mainstay Heather has performed with Elf Power, Circulatory System, Of Montreal and Kevin Ayers. 10 pm Mary Halvorson & Jessica Pavone Mary Halvorson (guitar, vocals) Jessica Pavone (viola, vocals) 11/17 Saturday (DB) 8 pm Benefit for Nuçi's Space Jesse Krakow (bass) Toby Driver (guitar) Jeremiah Cymerman (clarinet, electronics) Tim Byrnes (trumpet) Mike Pride (drums) Mario Diaz De Leon (guitar, electronics) plus Special Guests Nuçi's Space is a non-profit support/resource center for musicians in Athens, Georgia. It was founded in memory of 22-year old musician Nuçi Phillips, who took his own life in 1996 after battling major depression. The aim of the organization is to prevent suicide by providing obstacle free treatment for musicians suffering from depression and other such disorders as well as to assist in the emotional, physical and professional well-being of musicians. Nuçi's Space is currently working to open a facility in New York. Come and give generously! TEN DOLLARS www.nuci.org 10 pm Tartar Lamb—60 Metonymies (2007) Toby Driver (electric guitar, voice) Mia Matsumiya (violin) Tim Byrnes (trumpet, synth) Andrew Greenwald (percussion) Tonal identity misplacement; don't forget your NovaDreamer(TM) 11/18 Sunday (DB) 8 and 10 pm Mitchell King—ONE EQUALS ONE Mitchell King (percussion & films) Christopher Hoffman (cello) Shilpa Ray (harmonium) Matt Welch (sax) Patrick Savage (guitar) Brent Van Daley (guitar, vocals) Jeremiah Cymerman (electronics, clarinet) A collection of short videos by Mitchell King, drummer of brooklyn-based Beat the Devil. 11/20 Tuesday (JB) 8 pm Sam Kulik with special guest Walter Thompson. Sam Kulik (bass trombone, guitar and voice) Walter Thompson (soundpainter) Bass trombone improvisations, including an extended piece with Soundpainter Walter Thompson, and solo arrangements of Mingus and Zappa will highlight Sam's first full-length solo set in New York. He will also sing two of his hilarious—and vulgar—Christmas songs. 10 pm Sylvie Courvoisier & Mark Feldman Sylvie Courvoisier (piano) Mark Feldman (violin) 11/21 Wednesday (KT) 8 pm Chuck Bettis, Shelley Burgon, and Louie Belogenis Chuck Bettis (laptop, voice) Shelley Burgon (harp) Louie Belogenis (sax) 10 pm James Ilgenfritz James Ilgenfritz (bass) Dave Ballou (trumpet) Ben Gerstein (trombone) Harris Eisenstadt (drums) (NA) 11/23 Friday (MW) 8 pm Soundpainting Tentet: The Art of Live Composition Michael Attias (woodwinds) Jeremiah Cymerman (clarinet) Sam Kulik (trombone) John O'Brien (percussion) Olivia De Prato (violin) David Grunberg (violin) Frantz Loriot (viola) Gil Selinger (cello) James Ilgenfritz (bass) Christian Pincock (laptop) Olle Karlsson (bass) Walter Thompson and Evan Mazunik compose an evening of Soundpaintings with an ensemble of New York's finest improvisers. 10 pm Evil Eye Quartet Jonathan Moritz (tenor sax) Ken Filiano (bass) Mike Pride (drums, glockenspiel) Taylor Ho Bynum (cornet, trumpet) Pride & Moritz co-lead this "jazz" quartet featuring original compositions by both - informed by the 6 years the two have been playing and developing, (-) together and separate. The band will play pieces from their new cd "Doin' It All For My Baby" on KMB Jazz. 11/24 Saturday (SBTD) 8 pm samamidon—But This Chicken Proved False-Hearted (2007) Plug Research Sam Amidon (sing, banjo, guitar) Thomas Bartlett (piano, wurlitzer, drum, accordion, electric guitar) Sam sings ancient American folksongs, Thomas makes sonic enigma and interference. 10 pm Time of Orchids—Namesake Caution (2007) Cuneiform Records Jesse Krakow (bass, vocals) Chuck Stern (vocals, keys, guitar) Bodie (drums) Eric Fitzgerald (guitar, vocals) 11/25 Sunday (SK) 8 pm Okkyung Lee & Kjell Bjorgeengen Kjell Bjørgeengen (visuals) Okkyung Lee (amplified cello) Norwegian visual artist Kjell Bjørgeengen's art practice is an investigation of reality. Over the years he has collaborated with Evan Parker, Keith Rowe and Marc Ribot and many others musicians. After being the only audience member in Okkyung's solo concert a few years back, they are playing together for the first time at the Stone. 10 pm Jessica Feldman -- thebodyisaportthebodyisaportintomassivedarkness Jessica Feldman (live & not-live video, sound) Jessica's new piece using max/msp/jitter, her recently discovered obsession with video feedback, and the involuntary motions and sounds of her body in the space, exploring the problem of making something live, of making something that could kill, and of living with a hyper-sensitive nervous system... 11/27 Tuesday (JB) 8 pm Nate Wooley Solo Nate Wooley (trumpet) small sounds, big sounds, and silence. 10 pm Sparks Tom Blancarte (bass) Peter Evans (trumpet) Hyperactive duo improvisations for piccolo trumpet and double bass. 11/28 Wednesday (CB) 8 pm Ned Rothenberg, Matthew Welch and Jeremiah Cymerman Ned Rothenberg (Bb and bass clarinet, alto sax, shakuhachi) Matthew Welch (alto and soprano sax, bagpipes) Jeremiah Cymerman (Bb and alto clarinet) 10 pm Aaron Siegel Aaron Siegel (percussion) Stephen Rush (piano) Andrew Raffo Dewar (soprano sax) 11/29 Thursday (JB) 8 pm Matthew Welch—Borges and the Other - a dance opera (2007) Blarvuster: Lisa Komara (mezzo-soprano) Judith Berkson (mezzo-soprano) Leah Paul (flutes) Karen Waltuch (viola) Matthew Hough (electric guitar) Emily Manzo (piano) Ian Riggs (electric bass) Mike Pride (drums, virbraphone) "Borges and the Other" is a short opera setting texts by Jorge Luis Borges to be featured on Welch's upcoming Tzadik cd. Performed by Welch's ensemble Blarvuster with Balinese dance by Nezia Azmi. 10 pm Killick—RAM No. 11 (2007) Killick (h'arpeggione) Mary Halvorson (guitar) Matt Weston (percussion) Matt Bauder (clarinet) My first foray into publishing was RAM magazine, a pre-teen exposition on all things video games. No. 11 is an autobiography, abstracting and recontextualizing all that informs my current Appalachian Trance Metal. —Killick 11/30 Friday (HH) 8 pm Diet Rockstar Eric Harris (drums, lo-fi electronics) Craig Lieske (guitar) Jeff Rieter (bass) with special guest Heather McIntosh (cello) Trans-idiomatic improv and compositions. We steal from everyone! 10 pm ((oF///eTher)) Amie Weiss (violin) Jeremiah Cymerman (clarinet) Sam Kulik (bass trombone) Tom Blancarte (bass) Penn & Teller are fans. You should be too. |